Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Marathon Key!!!

We finally made it to Marathon Key, our destination since November 1!  We left Key Largo at 8:00 am and arrived at Fanny Key Anchorage on the West end of Marathon (just before the Seven Mile Bridge) at 5:00 pm, traveling 60 miles.

We left this morning with two possible destinations in mind:  1) we were going to come directly to Harbour Cay Marina, where we are going to stay for the month of February, on Marathon, or 2) only travel 40 miles and take a slip at a marina on Long Key.  As it often happens while cruising, we ended up doing something totally different.  At 10:00 am the dockmaster at Harbour Cay Marina called me and said that the boat in our slip had not left and would not leave until tomorrow.  So we were left with going to Long Key.  At noon, we called Long Key to confirm and after talking to the manager there, decided that the wind was too strong for us to go in there.  It is a tight marina and under calm conditions we would be fine.  But the wind was gusting around 20 kts.  So our second choice was now gone.  We called around for marina slips and came up empty.  Since we were making good time, and we found an anchorage right next to Harbour Cay Marina, we decided to go there.

We anchored, then lowered the dinghy and went ashore.  We were greeted by the folks at Harbour Cay like we were long lost relatives.  It was right at sundown, so they were all celebrating sunset in the Tiki Hut.  Marjorie and Jeff (s/v Far Niente, an IP 420), who we met in New Smyrna Beach and were the ones that recommended we come here, were there.  Also on hand to meet us were Jim (the manager), and several other cruisers who spend the winter here.  All very nice folks and we are looking forward to getting to know them better.

Today's photos:

Everyone enjoying the ride
Oscar in his favorite place on the boat (notice the beautiful color of the water)
One of many islands in the Everglades (we were cruising just south of Everglades National Park)

Hwy. 1 Bridge between Islamorada and Duck Key

Hwy. 1 Bridge between Long key and Marathon

Harbour Cay Marina from the anchorage (our slip will be where the large white-hull cruiser is now)

Sunset at the Marathon side of Seven Mile Bridge, taken from the anchorage

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Key Largo, FL

It feels so good to be back on the move, if only for a couple of days!  We left Dinner Key this morning at 9:30 am and arrived at Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club at 4:20 pm, traveling 40 miles.  The run was uneventful and easy, even though we had 15-20 kt. winds.  We ran through Biscayne Bay, Card Sound, Barnes Sound, and just into Blackwater Sound.  All were wide and shallow...we were unable to see much on land and we never saw more than 8' of depth below our keel.

Goodbye Dinner Key and Miami:

Leaving Dinner Key...Coconut Grove in the background
Miami in the haze (I was zoomed in quite a bit)
 Just before we arrived at our marina, we passed through Jewfish Creek.  It was lined on both sides with Mangrove Tree Forests.  Beautiful and quiet.  And the only spot along the way where I stepped out onto the deck to take some photos:

Mangrove Trees along Jewfish Creek
Looking back toward Barnes Sound
Looking forward toward Jewfish Creek Bridge...Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club is just on the other side.
 A little about Anchorage Resort and Yacht's not really something to write home about.  It's okay for a night, but I wouldn't want to stay here too long.  It's actually an RCI Timeshare Resort and has been here since the early 80's.  It looks like it could use some updating, but it does have a pool, tennis courts, shuffleboard court, hot tub.  You cannot walk to much of anything.  To try to walk anywhere, you have to walk across the bridge, which does not have sidewalks, only a narrow "lane", I guess for biking or walking, but it didn't look very safe to me.  And I was unwilling to walk the dogs across...they'd have to be on a 1' leash!

So I cooked a nice dinner (coconut crusted mahi mahi, with rice and asparagus) and discussed tomorrow's run.  We have a reservation at a marina 40 miles away, but our slip in Harbour Cay Club is 60 miles, so we just might go for it.  We plan to leave early and see how we feel when we reach Long Key.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Good Bye, Miami....

So today we had a laundry list of things to do in order to head out tomorrow.  But, back to yesterday first....

Greg had wanted to get out to see if he could find more of the Miami he knew growing up here.  So we drove over to Cape Florida State Park, which is across Biscayne Bay at the southern end of Key Biscayne just south of downtown Miami.  When he was growing up, his family used to come here to spend time on the beach.  First we visited No Name Harbor.  We had heard about it from other cruisers, who said to stay away on the weekends, but weekdays it was a nice place to anchor before heading across to the Bahamas.  Well, they were right.  The place was packed yesterday (Sunday) with every conceivable vessel, anchored, rafted, or tied to the sea wall.  Everyone was playing music, very order to hear their music instead of the music from the boat next door.  Here are some photos of No Name Harbor:

Greg on the seawall near the entrance from the Bay

It's a small harbor, filled on the weekends

Wait...I think I see a spot where we can anchor!
 At the very tip of Key Biscayne in the park, there is an historic lighthouse.  We had hoped to climb up, but it was closed.  It has recently been renovated and they do have tours, but our timing was not good for one today.

95-foot lighthouse, built in 1825
After riding around in the park, we went back to downtown Miami....the old downtown that Greg remembered.  He says that it's very different, but there are still a few buildings that were there in the 50's and 60's.

Back to the boat for freshening up and taking the pups for a quick walk, then we went over to Al and Christine de los Reyes' condo for a farewell dinner.  We had a wonderful evening with them, eating on their deck and catching up on all that's happened.

Back to today, the big thing was taking Jazz to the vet to get her stitches out.  They were really busy and somehow did not have our appointment on the books, so we had to be worked in.  We were there for two hours, mostly waiting.  They removed her stitches, then did a second lazer treatment on the biggest wound to help it scab over and heal faster.  She is doing well, and she only needs to continue healing.

While Greg was working on his book (almost to the point where he can put it aside for a few days), I secured reservations at a couple of marinas between here and Marathon Key, as well as confirmed our arrival at Harbour Cay Club on Marathon.   So we are all set.  Just need to take the pups for a walk, raise the dinghy up on the davits, and head out in the morning.  Those of you following us on SPOT can so that's been a month!  We are really excited about getting moving again and seeing some different scenery from the boat.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Last few days in Miami/Coconut Grove

Things are winding down for our month-long stay at Dinner Key Mooring Facility in Coconut Grove.  We are almost ready to move.

We are filling our water tank (10 gallons at a time from the marina), we're pumped out, we have been stocking up on food, got the laundry done, completed a few minor fixes on the boat.  It's been a busy few days.

We continue to meet interesting people who are cruising through.  Many cruisers staying here are waiting for the "weather window" to make the crossing to the Bahamas.  Since we've been here there have been only 3 good opportunities for a crossing.  Another is expected on Tuesday, so the mooring field has been filling up with those planning to cross the Gulf Stream.  We are going South, leaving Monday, or Tuesday at the latest....the weather is less of an issue for us. 

We had a great time last night, having dinner at a new Argentinean restaurant in Coconut Grove with Keith and Ida (Cheers), who we met in Myrtle Beach, enjoyed dinner with in Charleston, and they finally caught up with us here in Coconut Grove.  They are awaiting the weather window and going to the Bahamas, so we won't see them again for a while....maybe in the Spring.  Very nice to catch up with them and get to know them better.

We enjoyed Happy Hour tonight with another very nice couple we met here...they are moored right next to us, but we met on the shuttle a few day ago.  Lisa and Peter (Freebird) are on a custom-built sailing catamaran.  They unfortunately lost their mast in the middle of the night in the Bahamas after sailing across the Atlantic from Europe.  The shrouds were not connected correctly and one "popped off" while at anchor.  Amazing story, very interesting people, and a beautiful boat, even though it's mast-less.

Others include a family from Chesapeake, MD, who left last June and circumnavigated the Atlantic and just arrived here today from the Bahamas (it's apparently good winds to come from the Bahamas, while most cruisers want to go to the Bahamas).  They cruised up the Atlantic coast to Canada, then across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, down to Spain, then across the Atlantic to the Bahamas.  Another couple from Victoria, BC are cruising through to Belize, then leaving their boat there and flying home for the Summer.  Every cruiser has a different agenda and it's always interesting to talk to them about their plans and experiences.

On another note, Jazz continues to heal.  We will take her to the vet on Monday morning to get the stitches out and hopefully the release so we can leave.  The owner of the dog that attacked her finally made good on his promise to pay her vet bill, and says he never walks his dog without a muzzle and is working on training.  We have not heard from Animal Control, but at this point, we really are wanting to put that whole episode behind us and move on.  It feels good to not dwell on it.

Full moon tonight, and a beautiful night it is!  I tried to take a photo...should have gotten out there earlier while there was still some light.  But a nice picture for the blog anyway:

Check back Monday or Tuesday....we should be on the move again!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Almost back to "normal"

Today marks one week since "that awful dog" attacked Jazz and Oscar.  We took Jazz to the vet yesterday for her checkup and he removed the drains, which seemed like a turning point for us all.  She no longer looks like a science experiment and she acts like she feels much better.  He left the stitches, saying the wounds need another week to heal before taking them out.  So we go back next Monday.

I brushed out both dogs yesterday afternoon.  Jazz had a number of mats caused by the oozing from her drain tubes.  Oscar just needed attention; however, while brushing him I discovered a small puncture wound on his shoulder where "that awful dog" tried to bite him.  We missed it that day, but not to worry it was small and almost completely healed on it's own.  Just a small scab left.

We were greeted this morning by one of the most spectacular sunrises we've seen here.  I posted it on FaceBook for those of you who might want to take a look at yet another sunrise.  I know we post way too many, but.....they are really beautiful!

And so, the road back to "normal" has begun.  I pulled out the carpet, rolled it up, and took it in for cleaning (more damage from the oozing tubes).  Also, walked around the boat with a damp cloth trying to clean up more spots.  Sheets and towels are being washed.....cookies are being baked.  We went to Starbucks for morning coffee/tea.  Oscar is barking less, and Jazz is feeling normal (but she sure hates to have the cone on her neck).

I did not post any pictures of Jazz in the last week....they were too gruesome.  But here's one taken this morning at Starbucks.  I know it still looks bad, but if you had seen her last week you would be amazed at how much she has healed.  After the stitches come out, I am going to get her bathed and groomed.  Then we will be leaving Coconut Grove for fresh, new scenery....Marathon Key!  Already have our marina reservation!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Catch Up....

First of all I want to thank everyone who has emailed and messaged me with their concerns, prayers, and well wishes for Jazz.  And I want to let you all know that she is doing much better.  She is getting her energy back and we have been walking her further.  Yesterday, we walked up to Starbucks in the morning, relaxed there a while, then walked back.  We have wrapped a towel around her that really looks like a coat (I know, strange for Miami).  It keeps people who see her from gasping "Oh my God!  What happened to your dog???"  From there we had to explain (and re-live) the ordeal.  With the towel, we had some relief from that and things seemed more "normal".  She is eating and drinking normally, and we are letting her play gently with Oscar.  She goes back to the surgeon tomorrow to have the drains removed, then again on Wednesday to have the stitches removed.

In spite of Jazz's attack, we had a wonderful visit with Paul and Linda Vella.  Fortunately, they were here for R&R from their hectic life, so sitting around with an injured dog was okay for them.  We enjoyed playing cards, catching up (it's been 2 years since we'd seen them), restful napping on the boat, and short strolls through Coconut Grove.  The last day they were here, Greg stayed back with Jazz, and Paul, Linda, and I had a very pleasant morning shopping in Coconut Grove, followed by lunch in the Peacock Garden.  Later that day, Greg took them on a drive to the Venetian Pool and other sights in the area before taking them to a hotel near the airport.  The left early Saturday morning for their flight back to Toronto.

So now we are caring for Jazz and trying to get back to normal.  Greg is working on his book and I am going to spend some time on Shearwater Board business.  We plan to be here until the end of the month, although we just might leave sooner for a change of scenery.  Marathon Key beckons us.

I do have a few photos to post from the past week:

Teresa with the pups

Greg and Teresa at lunch on Tuesday, just before she and Judy left for the airport
Linda and Paul on the shuttle

Going ashore to walk the puppies
La Dolce Vita
Oscar and Jazz

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Poor Jazz

It's been a few days since I wrote a Post on the blog, but it seems like it's been weeks.  So here's an update on what happened.....

Of course Greg safely returned from Italy on Monday and Teresa and Judy safely returned to Atlanta on Tuesday.  All was going well until late Tuesday afternoon.....

We had walked the dogs and were heading  back to the marina when we saw a young woman with two dogs, one a little toy-mix and the other a pit bull (mix).  They were about 20-30 feet off the walkway back against the trees.  We were on the walkway.  The pit bull started barking and Oscar barked back, but then the pit bull lunged and broke away from the woman walking him, his leash still attached.  He went straight for Jazz and chomped down on her backside and would not let go, shaking her.  Greg kicked him and then hit him hard with his fist and he finally let go, but then he immediately turned on Oscar.  Fortunately for Oscar, he bit into fur and harness and did not hurt him.  The woman finally got a hold of the leash and pulled him off and away.  We inspected Jazz carefully and found several puncture wounds and abrasions.

Keeping the dogs well apart, everyone finally calmed down enough to exchange information.  The attacking dog belonged to the woman's boyfriend.  We went to the marina office and reported the incident and they immediately called Dade County Animal Control and got a Case File opened.  Then they called a cab for us to take Jazz to the Animal Hospital.  We were there for hours and finally had to leave before we knew for sure what was going to happen with her, except we knew she would have to have surgery.  There were a number of emergency cases coming in that night, so animals were seen in order of worse case....Jazz was stable, so she had to wait until the surgeon had a chance to work on her.

We picked her up yesterday afternoon around 2:30 and she looked just horrible.  Two drain tubes to keep swelling down...stitches everywhere and bloody ooze.  So sad.  She's being kept calm and somewhat sedated by the pain pills.  She has a lot of work to do to heal.

Greg met with the attacking dog's owner this morning.  He of course wants to pay for everything, but when Greg asked about his dog, he just said that "nothing like this has ever happened before".  Greg said he should have the dog put down before he attacks another dog, or a child and he said that "he could control the dog".  However, we plan to continue pushing through Animal Control.  We both feel that the dog should be destroyed.  What this dog did to Jazz...a totally unprovoked and deliberate attack......makes us believe he should never be in a position to attack again.