Thursday, October 25, 2012

Big Delay.....

We had planned to leave by 7:00am today, Thursday October 25. However, a tropical depression formed in the Caribbean on Monday morning, and it became a Category 1 hurricane by Wednesday afternoon. Sandy is heading due north and the forecasters predict that the Mid-Atlantic and NE coast will be in for some severely nasty weather by the end of the weekend and into next week. Since we have absolutely no desire to start our adventure sailing into a hurricane, we will wait at home until the thing passes and it is safe to leave. In the meantime, we still have some work to do on the boat, so we will do it at home instead of while cruising. So all is well, and we are happy! Besides the weather here in Annapolis has been gorgeous, so we have been enjoying that. Hopefully my next post will be to advise that we are on our way!

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