Sunday, December 30, 2012

Still in Coconut Grove, FL

Not only are we still here, we decided to stay for a month!  We like it here, plus Teresa and Judy are coming, so thought it would be less stressful for us to stay put and not try to make Marathon Key in the next 5 days as originally planned.  Better to be relaxed!

We took another walk deeper into Coconut Grove this morning.  They were getting ready for the Mango Strut, a parade held every year which is very popular.  We had thought that we would go and watch, but we heard that thousands of people come for it and it's only about 4 blocks long!  Not sure we could handle that crowd.  People were staking out their spot at 9:30 am and the parade didn't start until 2:00!

Pictures, of course....

 Dolce Vita Gelato!!!!  We'll be back when they open.....

 9:45 am and ready for a 2:00 parade!

On a sad note, Greg was very disappointed to see that this famous landmark has deteriorated.  The Coconut Grove Playhouse was a very popular venue during the time that Greg lived near here as a child.  We talked with a friend who said that there had been a movement to restore it, but nothing ever happened.  The rest of Coconut Grove is beautiful and upscale....I can't believe they didn't save this theater.

Did I mention that the weather today was cooler (70 degrees) and very windy?  Gusts up to 20 mph.  We didn't like the mooring ball location we were assigned on Friday and managed to get a better one when we signed up for the month.  So we moved the boat in this wind.   Tough, but we did it.

 Just got the mooring lines set....

The wind makes Oscar look funny.......

We were rewarded with a beautiful sunset tonight.....

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Coconut Grove, FL

We like it here....we just might stay a while!

Sunrise over Biscayne Bay....

Other than mundane stuff, we did very little today.  A highlight for the pups, however, was a nearby dog park.....

Friday, December 28, 2012

Coconut Grove, FL

We left Ft. Lauderdale Beach at 9:00 am and arrived Coconut Grove, FL at 5:30 pm, traveling about 26 miles (we left the ICW, so I didn't track the miles via the ICW).

The day started out fantastic...warm and sunny, light winds from the East.  We went through the 17th Street Bridge at 9:30 and entered the Port Everglades Channel and followed it out into the North Atlantic Ocean.  It was our first time out and we were excited to be able to raise the sails and cut the engine.

 Sailing toward Miami

With the exception of Oscar getting seasick (my fault....I forgot to give him the pill), all was well for about 2 hours.  Then the wind shifted from the East to the South (not good since we were headed South) and it intensified to 10-15 kts.  The waves picked up from 1' to 2-3'.  It became difficult to sail, so we lowered the sails and motored.  It was a rough ride for the pups, but Greg and I (and the boat) were all fine.

We entered Government Channel and motored past the Port of Miami.  We picked up the ICW right in front of downtown Miami, FL.

 Port of Miami on the right, Fisher Island on the left,
and downtown Miami straight ahead.

Downtown Miami

A little further South and just off Biscayne Bay, we pulled into Dinner Key (at Coconut Grove) and picked up a mooring ball.  By the time we got settled, it was dark, so we haven't been ashore tonight.  Will dinghy ashore in the morning.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ft. Lauderdale Beach, FL

We left Delray Beach this morning at 9:15 am (to make the first bridge opening at 9:30) and arrived at Ft. Lauderdale Beach at 1:36 pm (after going through the last bridge's 1:15 pm opening).  We traveled 24 miles along some of the most beautiful homes we've seen on this trip.

Today's project was to photograph each and every bridge for you to get an idea of what it is like to travel this section of the ICW.  We were fortunate today to have calm winds, so we were able to make each timed bridge opening without much of a wait.  At the first bridge, we were one of 3 boats going through.  By the time we got to the last bridge, there were 7.  Bridge info is under each photograph:

 #1 - Linton Blvd. Bridge, mm 1041, hour and half-hour
 #2 - Spanish River Blvd. Bridge, mm 1044.9, hour and half-hour

 #3 - Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge, mm 1047.5, hour and half-hour

 #4 - East Camino Real Bridge, mm 1048.2, hour and every 20 minutes

 #5 - Hillsboro Blvd. Bridge, mm 1050, on hour and half-hour

 #6 - Northeast 14th Street Bridge, mm 1055, on quarter- and three-quarter-hour

 #7 - Atlantic Blvd. Bridge, mm 1056, on hour and half-hour

 #8 - Commerical Blvd. Bridge, mm 1059, on hour and half-hour

 #9 - Oakland Park Beach Blvd. Bridge, mm 1060.5, on quarter- and three-quarter-hour

 #10 - Sunrise Blvd. Bridge, mm 1062.6, on hour and half-hour

#11 - Las Olas Blvd. Bridge, mm 1064, on quarter and three-quarter-hour

After settling into our slip at Bahia Mar Beach and Yachting Center, we literally walked right across the street to see the beach.  Of course, the dogs are not allowed on the beach, so we walked along, then over the Las Olas Blvd. Bridge, and back.  Took a few photos....

 "Welcome to Ft. Lauderdale Beach"

 The pups always get attention, but not as much as from this fellow....had his 
wife take a picture of them with him and said he had a niece and nephew with the same 
names (that's what he said!)

 Beautiful beach!

 And also very active!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

DelRay Beach, FL

We left West Palm Beach this morning at 9:30 am and arrived in Delray Beach at 2:30 pm, traveling 28 miles.  We had hoped to "go outside" and make Ft. Lauderdale today, however, the winds were not in our favor so in order to move south we had to go via the ICW which will take 2 days to get to Ft. Lauderdale because of the bridges.  With the wind coming at our bow at 15-20 kts with gusts to 25, we could not do the speed to make the timed bridge openings, wasting about 2 hours waiting on bridge openings.  We went through 7 bridges.

There was one bridge we did not have to wait for because they tore it down and are building a new one:

new LantanaAvenue Bridge, under construction

We are docked at the Yacht Club of Delray Beach, which was previously a private yacht club, but is now under new ownership.  Their ultimate goal is to bring the facility back to being a private club, but right now they need revenue, so they are offering transient slips...lucky us.  There were no other marinas with available slips until Boca Raton and the only two anchorages in the area are too shallow for us.  The challenges we face.....

After settling in and enjoying gourmet hot dogs for dinner, we walked into town.  We were here on Christmas Eve day with Lew and Joan, but it looks different at night.  The town was packed with people enjoying dinner/drinks, live music, and shopping.  I posted pictures of the huge Christmas tree on the 24th....well, here's a picture of it with the lights:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day, 2012

Our last day in West Palm Beach, and it was another beautiful day.  A front is coming through, so I suspect the weather is going to change over the next day or so, but that's snow in the forecast!

We started the day with a gift from Teresa and Darren....delivered to the boat by the marina staff.  Chocolate dipped cherries and strawberries!  Yummy.....

After eating several cherries, I decided I needed to walk them off and took the pups on a long walk down to the bridge just south of us.  I had not walked there all week, and found it to be a lovely walk along the waterfront.  Coming back I paused to take a picture:

West Palm Beach is really lovely from this viewpoint.  You can see the marina where we are staying on the far right side, with a little of the Flagler Bridge as well.

We had Christmas dinner at a nice little Mediterranean restaurant in Palm Beach, Cucina Dell'Arte, with Joan and Lew Gedansky.  We had a wonderful dinner, sitting outside; then drove over the The Breakers.  Sometime in the future, we will have to go enjoy a stay there:

The Breakers Lobby


 Joan, Lew, and Greg along the Ocean Walk

Me and Greg at The Breakers

We enjoyed a video Skype call with Judy & Tommy, and Teresa, with Darren, Lynn & Marty, and Lillian Knox.  It seems like electronic get-togethers are no longer Science Fiction.  It was fantastic to be able to "see" family and friends who were hundreds of miles away.

We continue to pinch ourselves daily to see if this trip is real.  It has been a dream come true for us.  The time we have spent together on this trip is our Christmas gift to each other and we are both so grateful that we have had the chance to do it.

Monday, December 24, 2012

West Palm Beach, FL - Day 5

Christmas Eve, 2012.....

We are relaxing after dinner and a very nice day with our friends Lew and Joan Gedansky, who have just retired to Hunters Run Country Club in Boynton Beach, just south of here.  Lew worked at PMI with Greg and Joan was frequently my sightseeing partner on Greg and Lew's business trips.

They picked us up and we drove down to their "Club", showed us around, and treated us to lunch.  They live in the most amazing place.  There are about 900 residences, all either condo or single family homes.  There is golf, of course, but also about 25 tennis courts, numerous swimming pools, separate men's and women's card rooms, several's a place where one would never get bored.

Lew and Joan at the front door of their home

After lunch, they drove us over to Delray Beach.  For Christmas Eve, this place was hopping.  Most of the stores were open until 4 or 5, and the restaurants were still busy.  There were a lot of people walking around....I wouldn't say they were was a nice day to just be out and about.  We walked over to the town "square" to see the largest Christmas Tree in the country....and to go inside.  Yes, you donate $1 and you go inside a Christmas Tree!

 Me and Greg, in a large chair, next to a large Santa, in front of a large
Christmas Tree in Delray Beach, FL

 Inside the Christmas Tree

Still inside....there were 4 Christmas displays

Had to get way back to get the whole tree in a picture....

Sunday, December 23, 2012

West Palm Beach, FL - Days 3 & 4

We are still in West Palm Beach, and we plan to be here until the 26th.  We got the same cold weather as most of the Eastern US over the last two days.  We actually had to turn on the heater...yesterday it was 43 degrees when we awoke and today the low was 52 this morning.  The wind finally died down and today was absolutely beautiful.  Short-sleeved weather is always right around the corner in Florida.

Yesterday, we walked into town for the Saturday Farmer's Market.  It took up all of Flagler Park and the fruits and vegetables looked really good.  Also, breads, seafood, and a variety of non-food booths which included arts and crafts, as well as local businesses such as real estate and chiropractic services.  I took a couple of photos:

After visiting the market, we walked over to City Center....a downtown outdoor shopping mall with all the usual shops with Macy's being the "anchor" store.  We wanted to shop for some "Florida" clothing, since we feel out of place in our "Maryland" clothes, and we were both successful.  I've fallen in love with a store called Fresh Produce.  Very comfortable and stylish clothing that fits me well.  Just for kicks, I took a picture of a part of Mall (we were there early before the crowds filled in).

After lunch, we returned to the boat, Greg worked and I took the dogs for a very long walk....across the Flagler Bridge, around The Breakers, then back across the Bridge.

This morning, Sunday, I did laundry, defrosted the freezer, and filled the water tank, while Greg worked to finish Chapter 2 of his book for IIL.  At 2:00 we called it quits and walked back over to the movie theater at City Center and watched Life of Pi.  I just finished the book and wanted to see the movie.  I was not disappointed.  Great movie, and a very good book!

Friday, December 21, 2012

West Palm Beach, FL - Day 2

We like it here.  And we're going to stay a while.  Plans are to resume our journey south on the 26th and spend Christmas here in West Palm.

Greg spent most of today working on his book, so I did a little grocery re-stocking and I also took the dogs for a long walk.  Then spent the rest of the afternoon resting, and I baked some ginger snaps (made the boat smell really good!).

After dinner, we walked over to the park for a Christmas Jazz Concert.  The warm-up band were high school students and they were awesome.  The featured band was local talent and they were very good, but we left early because it was getting really cold.  The same cold front affecting you all north of here is hitting us as well.  It's going down into the low 40's by morning and it's already close to 50.

Here are pictures of the high school band:

And pictures of the featured band:


Thursday, December 20, 2012

West Palm Beach, FL

We pulled up the anchor at 8:00 am this morning and headed South on the ICW and arrived at Palm Harbor Marina in West Palm Beach, FL at 2:00 this afternoon.  We traveled 28 miles.

The highlight was crossing the 1,000 Mile Mark on the ICW.  We have traveled 1,000 miles since Mile Mark 0 in Norfolk, VA, plus 140 miles from Annapolis to Norfolk.  We left on November 1.

The tough part of today was the bridges.  We passed through 8 bascule bridges.  Three were open on demand, and so were not problem.  The remaining 5 either opened on the hour and half-hour, or on the quarter or three-quarter hour.  We were lucky with 2 of them and managed to arrive only minutes before their scheduled openings.  We were not so lucky with the remaining 3; we could not quite make the opening and had to wait 20-25 minutes for the next opening.

Today's scenery went from one extreme to another....from wildlife preserves, to multimillion dollar mansions, to heavy boat traffic (including kayaks, jet skis, small fishing boats, large fishing boats, and huge cruisers.

It was such a wild and crazy day and we were so busy getting through it all that I never picked up my camera to photograph any of it.  Besides, I'm not sure photos could have adequately shown just what it was like on the water today.  Oh, except for this one photo, taken at sunrise.....

After settling in at the marina, we took the pups on a short walk into town.  Just outside the marina complex we were shocked to see elephants!  Later, we learned that preparations were in progress for a Christmas festival of some sort, including a massive sand sculpture in Centennial Square and, apparently, elephants.

 Sand sculpture of a Christmas tree, complete with presents underneath

 Greg and the pups in Centennial Park

 Centennial Park

 Lighted version of the sand scuplture

We walked the dogs back to the boat, then walked back to town (it's only a couple of blocks) for dinner.  We decided on Pizza Place right on the corner across from the marina.  As we finished dinner, Santa Claus came by, riding an Elephant!  Now that's something you don't see every day!