Thursday, December 20, 2012

West Palm Beach, FL

We pulled up the anchor at 8:00 am this morning and headed South on the ICW and arrived at Palm Harbor Marina in West Palm Beach, FL at 2:00 this afternoon.  We traveled 28 miles.

The highlight was crossing the 1,000 Mile Mark on the ICW.  We have traveled 1,000 miles since Mile Mark 0 in Norfolk, VA, plus 140 miles from Annapolis to Norfolk.  We left on November 1.

The tough part of today was the bridges.  We passed through 8 bascule bridges.  Three were open on demand, and so were not problem.  The remaining 5 either opened on the hour and half-hour, or on the quarter or three-quarter hour.  We were lucky with 2 of them and managed to arrive only minutes before their scheduled openings.  We were not so lucky with the remaining 3; we could not quite make the opening and had to wait 20-25 minutes for the next opening.

Today's scenery went from one extreme to another....from wildlife preserves, to multimillion dollar mansions, to heavy boat traffic (including kayaks, jet skis, small fishing boats, large fishing boats, and huge cruisers.

It was such a wild and crazy day and we were so busy getting through it all that I never picked up my camera to photograph any of it.  Besides, I'm not sure photos could have adequately shown just what it was like on the water today.  Oh, except for this one photo, taken at sunrise.....

After settling in at the marina, we took the pups on a short walk into town.  Just outside the marina complex we were shocked to see elephants!  Later, we learned that preparations were in progress for a Christmas festival of some sort, including a massive sand sculpture in Centennial Square and, apparently, elephants.

 Sand sculpture of a Christmas tree, complete with presents underneath

 Greg and the pups in Centennial Park

 Centennial Park

 Lighted version of the sand scuplture

We walked the dogs back to the boat, then walked back to town (it's only a couple of blocks) for dinner.  We decided on Pizza Place right on the corner across from the marina.  As we finished dinner, Santa Claus came by, riding an Elephant!  Now that's something you don't see every day!

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