Sunday, December 9, 2012

St. Augustine, FL - Day 2

We awoke to a beautiful day, finally!  Warm, sunny....just what we expected Florida to be:

This morning's sunrise

Yesterday afternoon, after tying up to our mooring, we lowered the dinghy, attached the motor, loaded the pups in, and then sat there for about 30 minutes while Greg unsuccessfully tried to start the motor.  We ended up taking the water taxi into town and back.  We did the same again today.  

St. Augustine is a beautiful city and more so on a Sunday morning when the crowds of tourists are still asleep or in church.  We enjoyed walking around town and browsing some of the shops.  I was particularly interested in shops that sell specialty foods, like the Spice and Tea Exchange (we have one in Annapolis and I love it), Ancient Olive (olive oil and vinegar store....we have one that's similar in Annapolis, too), and of course Savannah Candy.  I stocked up on some of my favorite things!

Here are some photos taken during our very pleasant walk this morning:

After lunch consisting of a mediocre Cuban Sandwich (looking forward to better ones as we get closer to Cuba), we walked about a mile and a half to West Marine to get the needed parts (hopefully) for the dinghy motor.  Then walked the mile and a half back to the marina.  We ran into another cruiser on a mooring right next to us at West Marine, so we walked back with him and he took us to our boat in his dinghy.  Love boat people....always so helpful!!!

The pups were completely pooped when we got back.  We were too.  So we had a relaxing afternoon and plan on a quiet, peaceful evening.  This is how the pups relaxed:

So we are unsure about tomorrow.  We would like to get the dinghy motor up and running before we head out, so we might stay here another night.  Just depends.  Always an ever-changing schedule.

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