Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Palm Coast, FL

We got the dinghy motor back from the mechanic and it's working great, and we prepared to head out.  We left St. Augustine at 12:30 pm and arrived at Marina at Hammock Beach in Palm Coast at 5:00 pm.  We traveled 25 miles.  It was slow going because of current and fog.

This stretch of the ICW was very beautiful (when the fog cleared and we could see).  Homes were few and there was an abundance of birds and dolphin.  At one point, while I was at the bow on lookout in the fog, we came upon no fewer than a dozen dolphin swimming together and all around the bow of the boat.  It would have been the perfect opportunity for photos, however, I didn't have my camera or phone with me.  I only had the walkie-talkie to communicate with Greg at the helm.

Here are the photos I took, when we were out of the fog:

 Leaving St. Augustine South Mooring Field

 We left at low tide, so we saw a lot of shoreline today.  There were
several traps like this one, completely out of the water, but at high tide they
would be covered with water.

 We saw a lot of birds today....we must have
caught up with the winter migration.

The last 5 miles before arriving at the marina, as well as the marina, were thick with fog, so I'll have to try to get photos of this marina tomorrow.  It's more of a country club or resort.  Very nice.  We are on the dock about 100' behind a riverboat-type dinner cruise boat.  They are having a special function tonight, probably an office Christmas party.  The boat does not leave the dock....just there for special occasion dinners. The lounge, showers/restrooms, and laundry are all over the top....have never seen marina facilities like this.  I will get some photos tomorrow morning. 

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