Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jacksonville Beach, FL - Day 2

What happened to the sunshine???  Rain off and on all day today.  Well, at least it is warm; that's improvement.

We have taken it easy today; not really doing much.  Right now I'm watching Oscar tear up yet another toy (stuffing all over the floor, squeaker pulled out and chewed to a pulp) and baking a peach cobbler for dessert tonight.

We picked up a rental car for the week so that we can run errands and get around at our leisure. We ventured to Town Center to get a baby gift.  Town Center is a development about 5 miles from here that has everything.  After one month of living on the water, with our only worries being where and how far we would go each day (and not grounding), we were not prepared to what we drove into at Town Center.  It was a sprawled-out,  store after store, acres of parking, shops, restaurants, banks, etc., crowded with traffic.  We finally found Babies R Us, after going in several circles and making numerous U-turns.  Get me back to the boat!!!!

Whew....from there we went to Staci and Jeff's and had an absolutely wonderful visit with them and loved meeting their beautiful baby boy, Anthony Robert:

 Staci, Anthony, and Greg

 He's so tiny.....

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