Sunday, December 30, 2012

Still in Coconut Grove, FL

Not only are we still here, we decided to stay for a month!  We like it here, plus Teresa and Judy are coming, so thought it would be less stressful for us to stay put and not try to make Marathon Key in the next 5 days as originally planned.  Better to be relaxed!

We took another walk deeper into Coconut Grove this morning.  They were getting ready for the Mango Strut, a parade held every year which is very popular.  We had thought that we would go and watch, but we heard that thousands of people come for it and it's only about 4 blocks long!  Not sure we could handle that crowd.  People were staking out their spot at 9:30 am and the parade didn't start until 2:00!

Pictures, of course....

 Dolce Vita Gelato!!!!  We'll be back when they open.....

 9:45 am and ready for a 2:00 parade!

On a sad note, Greg was very disappointed to see that this famous landmark has deteriorated.  The Coconut Grove Playhouse was a very popular venue during the time that Greg lived near here as a child.  We talked with a friend who said that there had been a movement to restore it, but nothing ever happened.  The rest of Coconut Grove is beautiful and upscale....I can't believe they didn't save this theater.

Did I mention that the weather today was cooler (70 degrees) and very windy?  Gusts up to 20 mph.  We didn't like the mooring ball location we were assigned on Friday and managed to get a better one when we signed up for the month.  So we moved the boat in this wind.   Tough, but we did it.

 Just got the mooring lines set....

The wind makes Oscar look funny.......

We were rewarded with a beautiful sunset tonight.....

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