Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Vero Beach, FL - Day 2

Wow!  Today started out foggy, but turned into a beautiful day!  We stayed put at the Vero Beach City Marina today so we could do a little laundry and take a walk on the beach.  We did both, as well as do a little shopping in town, and walk the dogs to the dog park nearby...twice!  And then we simply relaxed the rest of the day.  Very nice!

Below are a couple of pictures of the south mooring field here at Vero Beach City Marina.  They are a small marina, but very popular with cruisers (we were told we had to go there).  We had wanted to pick up a mooring ball, but when we called to check availability we were told that there were none available, but we could "raft" to another boat on a mooring.  We passed on that....  Turns out they "raft" up to 3 boats per mooring.  Also, a picture of La Dolce Vita at the dock.


 Vero Beach

 Finally, we get to walk on the sand!!!

 Lunch at Mulligan's

 Beautiful tree-lined neighborhood between the marina and the beach

Just saw a large Tern (I think....I'm not a birder) across from us.  Actually, Oscar saw it first, and he has not taken his eyes off it!  It had a small fish in its beak.  Sun has set and it is getting dark, so not a great photo, but wanted to add it:

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