Sunday, January 20, 2013

Catch Up....

First of all I want to thank everyone who has emailed and messaged me with their concerns, prayers, and well wishes for Jazz.  And I want to let you all know that she is doing much better.  She is getting her energy back and we have been walking her further.  Yesterday, we walked up to Starbucks in the morning, relaxed there a while, then walked back.  We have wrapped a towel around her that really looks like a coat (I know, strange for Miami).  It keeps people who see her from gasping "Oh my God!  What happened to your dog???"  From there we had to explain (and re-live) the ordeal.  With the towel, we had some relief from that and things seemed more "normal".  She is eating and drinking normally, and we are letting her play gently with Oscar.  She goes back to the surgeon tomorrow to have the drains removed, then again on Wednesday to have the stitches removed.

In spite of Jazz's attack, we had a wonderful visit with Paul and Linda Vella.  Fortunately, they were here for R&R from their hectic life, so sitting around with an injured dog was okay for them.  We enjoyed playing cards, catching up (it's been 2 years since we'd seen them), restful napping on the boat, and short strolls through Coconut Grove.  The last day they were here, Greg stayed back with Jazz, and Paul, Linda, and I had a very pleasant morning shopping in Coconut Grove, followed by lunch in the Peacock Garden.  Later that day, Greg took them on a drive to the Venetian Pool and other sights in the area before taking them to a hotel near the airport.  The left early Saturday morning for their flight back to Toronto.

So now we are caring for Jazz and trying to get back to normal.  Greg is working on his book and I am going to spend some time on Shearwater Board business.  We plan to be here until the end of the month, although we just might leave sooner for a change of scenery.  Marathon Key beckons us.

I do have a few photos to post from the past week:

Teresa with the pups

Greg and Teresa at lunch on Tuesday, just before she and Judy left for the airport
Linda and Paul on the shuttle

Going ashore to walk the puppies
La Dolce Vita
Oscar and Jazz

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