Saturday, January 12, 2013

Key West, FL

This is going to be a long post, because I did not take my computer when we went for our "day trip" to Key West.  But before I start on that, I would like to show you a picture Teresa took on Thursday night after I posted the last blog of Miami....

Teresa, Judy, the two pups, and I left early yesterday (Friday) morning for a day trip to the Keys.  We suspected we could not make Key West and back in one day, so we were thinking we would go as far as Marathon Key, then head back.  However, by the time we reached Marathon, Judy and Teresa, neither of whom had ever been to the Keys, were so loving the drive and the scenery (and the food), that they really wanted to go all the way to Key West.  So we did!

First, Teresa secured a hotel room where the pups were welcome.  Then we stopped at a pet store and got the pups some food, treats, and toys (yes, they are spoiled).  Then we stopped at a "3-for-$10 T-Shirt" store for shirts to sleep in.  All that was left was a stop at CVS to pick up toothbrushes and assorted necessary items.

Now for details of our two-day trip to Key West.....

Friday, January 11....

First stop on the agenda was Key Largo Conch House.  We had Yelped for a dog-friendly restaurant for a lunch stop and this one fit the bill.  Great food and the pups were welcome to hang out underneath our table on the porch.

At Key Largo Conch House

Ready to continue West....

Judy gets puppy kisses from Oscar
This is what puppies look like riding in a convertible at 55 mph.  Glad no one took a picture of me!

The next stop, after lunch, was Anne's Beach on Islamorada Key.  This was also discovered doing a Yelp search for dog-friendly beaches.  It's a narrow, beautiful beach, with a board walk to walk on if you don't want to get your feet wet.  There were a lot of people there sunning, walking, swimming, and kite boarding.  Pictures of Anne's Beach:

One of the most spectacular things along the drive in the Keys is the 7-mile Bridge.  It begins just West of Marathon Key and runs over to Little Duck Key.  

What's left of Florida East Coast RR, Key West Extension
We arrived in Key West around 2:30, checked into the Sheraton on the beach (near the airport), then drove into the Historic District and walked around, visited shops, and had dinner.  It was a little challenging with the dogs, since there aren't many places where they are welcome.  But we made the most of it and enjoyed the afternoon and evening.  Key West photos from Friday:

Teresa and me walking toward the Southernmost Hotel

Southernmost Point in the USA
One of many wild roosters in KW
The Strand is now a Walgreen's Drug Store
We had dinner at Old Town Mexican Cafe on Duval Street (where the pups could sit under the table), after trying Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville (pups had to sit outside on the sidewalk, while we ate way!). 

Saturday, January 12.......

First up....sunrise.  And it was spectacular.  I got up early and didn't want to wake Teresa and Judy, so I sneaked out with the dogs for a walk and arrived at the perfect moment of sunrise:

After marveling the beautiful start of yet another day, I glanced around and noticed quite a few people on the beach, kayaking and jet skiing in the water.  I wasn't quite awake, so I really didn't pay too much attention, until the crowed got thicker and I noticed many of them were wearing, or putting on, wet suits.  So, I asked....and found out that they were starting a Triathlon.  The pups and I walked by all the commotion and continued West along the ocean until we came across a Nature Trail, and since dogs were allowed, we walked it.  Then walked back to the Hotel.

Judy by then had ventured out to the beach and she took these photos:

Our Hotel, as viewed from the beach

Beautiful Beach!!!!
Then we began our search for breakfast, which became quite a challenge.  First up was Hogfish Bar and Grill, recommended by Lori Kasserman.  Off the beaten path and way over on the East side of Key West....but when we arrived we found out that it was only open for breakfast on Sundays....bummer.  We took a picture anyway to show that we tried.....

Next try was Blue Heaven, back in Old Town, recommended by Teresa's friend Brian Persall.  We got there around 10:00 am and the place was packed....long wait for a table.  We hated to pass it up because it really looked good, but we were getting really hungry, so we kept looking.  Again, Yelp came to the rescue....we found that Six Toed Cat, across the street from Hemingway's house, was dog-friendly.  Teresa called them and found out that there was no waiting, so we rushed over there.  Had a wonderful breakfast!  Finally.....

Since we were right there, Judy and Teresa toured the Hemingway House.  Of course, with over 40 six toed cats in residence, the dogs were not allowed, but I was content to take them for a long walk through the residential sections nearby instead.  I had toured the Hemingway House on my last visit to Key West.

Judy at Hemingway's
Reluctantly, it was now time for us to head back to Coconut Grove, our time in Key West had come to an end.  We had a very pleasant drive back, having lunch at another wonderful restaurant recommended by Peter Lyew, who works with Judy at LTC Properties....Islamorada Fish Company on Islamorada Key.  Fantastic lunch in a beautiful setting right on the Gulf of Mexico.

Beautiful spot, huh?
We arrived back at Dinner Key Mooring Facility in Coconut Grove after sunset, but managed to load up the dinghy and get back to the boat before it got too dark.  We are tired, but it was a great two days of unexpected beauty, fun, food, and togetherness.  Nice to be back on the boat and relaxing....

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