Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Teresa and Judy arrived.....

......yesterday afternoon, two days after Greg left for Italy.  I had a quiet two days, doing mostly cleaning and boat maintenance and getting things ready for company.  The thing I did not accomplish was getting the dinghy motor fixed.  Yep....another issue with the dinghy motor, but that's another story.

First on the agenda was lunch for Judy and Teresa, so we walked over to Main Street in Coconut Grove and enjoyed lunch at Lulu's....

Here I am with the pups on the shuttle from the marina to the boat.

We enjoyed an absolutely beautiful sunset before having a light dinner, playing a game of Domino's, then retiring for the night.  Sunset photos, of course:

After I took the dogs ashore for their morning walk, I came back to the boat and the three of us (Teresa, Judy, and I) returned to shore for much-needed showers, followed by a delicious lunch at Scotty's Landing.  Scotty's Landing is right next door to the Marina and has a very Caribbean feel to it.  I have heard from locals here that the USA TV show Burn Notice is often filmed here, as well as other locations in Coconut Grove.

After lunch, we did what every woman does on the first day of vacation....go get manicures, pedicures, massages, etc.....   Coconut Grove has a multitude of Spas and we checked out several before settling on two.  Judy went to one and Teresa and I to another.  Gotta do what's necessary.....

We returned to the boat and I grabbed the pups for their afternoon walk while Teresa and Judy stayed on board for a little relaxation.  The pups and I got back just in time for another spectacular sunset (will they every cease?).....

 I cooked a spicy pasta dish for dinner and now Judy and Teresa are relaxing while I finish this post.  We are tired and will no doubt sleep well tonight!

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