Monday, January 28, 2013

Good Bye, Miami....

So today we had a laundry list of things to do in order to head out tomorrow.  But, back to yesterday first....

Greg had wanted to get out to see if he could find more of the Miami he knew growing up here.  So we drove over to Cape Florida State Park, which is across Biscayne Bay at the southern end of Key Biscayne just south of downtown Miami.  When he was growing up, his family used to come here to spend time on the beach.  First we visited No Name Harbor.  We had heard about it from other cruisers, who said to stay away on the weekends, but weekdays it was a nice place to anchor before heading across to the Bahamas.  Well, they were right.  The place was packed yesterday (Sunday) with every conceivable vessel, anchored, rafted, or tied to the sea wall.  Everyone was playing music, very order to hear their music instead of the music from the boat next door.  Here are some photos of No Name Harbor:

Greg on the seawall near the entrance from the Bay

It's a small harbor, filled on the weekends

Wait...I think I see a spot where we can anchor!
 At the very tip of Key Biscayne in the park, there is an historic lighthouse.  We had hoped to climb up, but it was closed.  It has recently been renovated and they do have tours, but our timing was not good for one today.

95-foot lighthouse, built in 1825
After riding around in the park, we went back to downtown Miami....the old downtown that Greg remembered.  He says that it's very different, but there are still a few buildings that were there in the 50's and 60's.

Back to the boat for freshening up and taking the pups for a quick walk, then we went over to Al and Christine de los Reyes' condo for a farewell dinner.  We had a wonderful evening with them, eating on their deck and catching up on all that's happened.

Back to today, the big thing was taking Jazz to the vet to get her stitches out.  They were really busy and somehow did not have our appointment on the books, so we had to be worked in.  We were there for two hours, mostly waiting.  They removed her stitches, then did a second lazer treatment on the biggest wound to help it scab over and heal faster.  She is doing well, and she only needs to continue healing.

While Greg was working on his book (almost to the point where he can put it aside for a few days), I secured reservations at a couple of marinas between here and Marathon Key, as well as confirmed our arrival at Harbour Cay Club on Marathon.   So we are all set.  Just need to take the pups for a walk, raise the dinghy up on the davits, and head out in the morning.  Those of you following us on SPOT can so that's been a month!  We are really excited about getting moving again and seeing some different scenery from the boat.

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