Thursday, January 3, 2013

Old Home Day

We rented a car yesterday and ran half of our errands, then finished up this morning.  We finished early, so we decided to drive up to visit the area where Greg grew up.  He lived in this house in NW Miami (near Coral Gables) from the time he was 8 years old until he graduated high school and left for Georgia Tech.

He says the neighborhood hasn't changed much.  Many of the homes have additions and many also have front yard fences and bars on the windows.  He recalled where most of his friends lived, where he worked (Winn Dixie in Coral Gables), and the streets he played on.  He walked to elementary school, several blocks away.  I also took a photo of his elementary school.  While you could access the school from the front, the sides and back were completely fenced in.  Greg said that wasn't the case when he went there...he used to walk in through the back.

When we got back to the dinghy dock, and while I was loading up the dinghy with our Target bags, a fellow a few dinghys over told me to watch out for the Manatee.  I looked down and saw a huge Manatee, must have been over 250 pounds, right underneath our dinghy!  Needless to say, we cast off without starting the motor and waited until we were well away from this guy!

Greg worked the rest of the afternoon, while I did a few chores on the boat.  I also took the dogs ashore in the dinghy all by myself for the first time.  Had to do it sooner or later, since Greg is leaving on Saturday and Teresa and Judy don't arrive until Monday.

Then we went to see Christine and Al De los Reyes, Annapolis neighbors who live in a condo right across the street from our marina here.  We had a wonderful evening with them catching up, first in their beautiful condo, then at dinner at the Fontana Restaurant at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables.

Greg and me on Christine and Al's balcony.....

Christine and Al

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