Saturday, January 26, 2013

Last few days in Miami/Coconut Grove

Things are winding down for our month-long stay at Dinner Key Mooring Facility in Coconut Grove.  We are almost ready to move.

We are filling our water tank (10 gallons at a time from the marina), we're pumped out, we have been stocking up on food, got the laundry done, completed a few minor fixes on the boat.  It's been a busy few days.

We continue to meet interesting people who are cruising through.  Many cruisers staying here are waiting for the "weather window" to make the crossing to the Bahamas.  Since we've been here there have been only 3 good opportunities for a crossing.  Another is expected on Tuesday, so the mooring field has been filling up with those planning to cross the Gulf Stream.  We are going South, leaving Monday, or Tuesday at the latest....the weather is less of an issue for us. 

We had a great time last night, having dinner at a new Argentinean restaurant in Coconut Grove with Keith and Ida (Cheers), who we met in Myrtle Beach, enjoyed dinner with in Charleston, and they finally caught up with us here in Coconut Grove.  They are awaiting the weather window and going to the Bahamas, so we won't see them again for a while....maybe in the Spring.  Very nice to catch up with them and get to know them better.

We enjoyed Happy Hour tonight with another very nice couple we met here...they are moored right next to us, but we met on the shuttle a few day ago.  Lisa and Peter (Freebird) are on a custom-built sailing catamaran.  They unfortunately lost their mast in the middle of the night in the Bahamas after sailing across the Atlantic from Europe.  The shrouds were not connected correctly and one "popped off" while at anchor.  Amazing story, very interesting people, and a beautiful boat, even though it's mast-less.

Others include a family from Chesapeake, MD, who left last June and circumnavigated the Atlantic and just arrived here today from the Bahamas (it's apparently good winds to come from the Bahamas, while most cruisers want to go to the Bahamas).  They cruised up the Atlantic coast to Canada, then across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, down to Spain, then across the Atlantic to the Bahamas.  Another couple from Victoria, BC are cruising through to Belize, then leaving their boat there and flying home for the Summer.  Every cruiser has a different agenda and it's always interesting to talk to them about their plans and experiences.

On another note, Jazz continues to heal.  We will take her to the vet on Monday morning to get the stitches out and hopefully the release so we can leave.  The owner of the dog that attacked her finally made good on his promise to pay her vet bill, and says he never walks his dog without a muzzle and is working on training.  We have not heard from Animal Control, but at this point, we really are wanting to put that whole episode behind us and move on.  It feels good to not dwell on it.

Full moon tonight, and a beautiful night it is!  I tried to take a photo...should have gotten out there earlier while there was still some light.  But a nice picture for the blog anyway:

Check back Monday or Tuesday....we should be on the move again!

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