Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Key Largo, FL

It feels so good to be back on the move, if only for a couple of days!  We left Dinner Key this morning at 9:30 am and arrived at Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club at 4:20 pm, traveling 40 miles.  The run was uneventful and easy, even though we had 15-20 kt. winds.  We ran through Biscayne Bay, Card Sound, Barnes Sound, and just into Blackwater Sound.  All were wide and shallow...we were unable to see much on land and we never saw more than 8' of depth below our keel.

Goodbye Dinner Key and Miami:

Leaving Dinner Key...Coconut Grove in the background
Miami in the haze (I was zoomed in quite a bit)
 Just before we arrived at our marina, we passed through Jewfish Creek.  It was lined on both sides with Mangrove Tree Forests.  Beautiful and quiet.  And the only spot along the way where I stepped out onto the deck to take some photos:

Mangrove Trees along Jewfish Creek
Looking back toward Barnes Sound
Looking forward toward Jewfish Creek Bridge...Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club is just on the other side.
 A little about Anchorage Resort and Yacht Club....it's not really something to write home about.  It's okay for a night, but I wouldn't want to stay here too long.  It's actually an RCI Timeshare Resort and has been here since the early 80's.  It looks like it could use some updating, but it does have a pool, tennis courts, shuffleboard court, hot tub.  You cannot walk to much of anything.  To try to walk anywhere, you have to walk across the bridge, which does not have sidewalks, only a narrow "lane", I guess for biking or walking, but it didn't look very safe to me.  And I was unwilling to walk the dogs across...they'd have to be on a 1' leash!

So I cooked a nice dinner (coconut crusted mahi mahi, with rice and asparagus) and discussed tomorrow's run.  We have a reservation at a marina 40 miles away, but our slip in Harbour Cay Club is 60 miles, so we just might go for it.  We plan to leave early and see how we feel when we reach Long Key.

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