Friday, November 9, 2012

Alligator River, NC

We did a short run today, from Mile Marker 50, Coinjock, NC, to Mile Marker 84, Alligator River Bridge.  We pulled out at 7:35 am and arrived a little after 1:00 pm.  Here's a photo I took just after heading out:

The crossing of the Albermarle Sound was not as bad as we expected.  The forecast had been for 15 mph winds with 3' waves.  We expected a rough ride, but the winds were only around 10 mph and the waves 1-2'.  There was very little boat traffic; only 2 power boats passed us all day.  Most of them left Coinjock between 6 and 6:30 am, so they were way ahead of us before we even headed out. 

This is what happens whenever I take the helm!

We've finally found warmer weather, at least during the day.  It was very pleasant here at Alligator Marina, so we worked on a growing list of maintenance items on the boat for a couple of hours, then relaxed with cheese and crackers in the cockpit.  There's a large, safe, grassy area for the dogs to run, and run they did!  The crossing was hard on them (Jazz was hyperventilating and Oscar threw up).

The weather forecast for the next few days is very good indeed and we are looking forward to making some quick progress down the ICW.

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