Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sunbury, GA

We left Thunderbolt at 9:00 am and arrived at Sunbury at 3 pm, traveling 43 miles.  We are docked at the Sunbury Crab Co. Restaurant and Marina, which is about 6 miles West, off the ICW on the Medway River.  Marinas are few and far between around here and the next one actually on the ICW is another 20 miles and we weren't up for another long day.

Turns out that this is one of the more interesting places we've stopped!  Go figure.  The marina buildings resemble those in the Caribbean....breezy and open, with add-ons which make no since.  I got lost trying to find my way through.  They have a band on the weekends and a huge bar.  We wanted to have dinner here, but turned out the restaurant is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays off season.  We needed to do some laundry, so Greg is sitting in the marina owner's home, watching TV and using their washer/dryer.  Didn't even need quarters!  Here are a few photos Greg took:

We had heard that this portion of the ICW was the most beautiful, and I'm beginning to think they were right!  We really had a very relaxing day and were able to enjoy the scenery.  There was only one cut that was slow-going because of shoaling, aptly named Hell Gate.  We were a little worried because we were about 2 hours from low tide, but we squeezed through with 3' under our keel.

Here are some photos from today and I've noted under each where they were taken:

 This and the next two were homes on the water at Isle of Hope, where
Skidaway River runs into Isle of Hope River

 Burnside River, past Pigeon Island

 Along the Vernon River

 Past Hell Gate cut, the cloudy sky and the smooth water made a beautiful effect
These were taken in Bear River just before St. Catherines Sound

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