Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sneads Ferry, NC

This morning, we headed out at 7:15 am and arrived 4:15pm at Swan Point Marina in Sneads Ferry, NC at the New River Inlet, ICW mile marker 247, traveling 42 miles today.

The forecast was for showers, but we decided to take our chances with the weather and continue our southbound journey.  We saw some blue sky and wind was calm as we headed out of Morehead City.

Here are pictures taken this morning (btw, you can click on the photos and they will enlarge):

 Morehead City Bridge

 Homes along the ICW south of Morehead City

 Cool boat house w/kayak rack

 More homes.....

 Near Swansboro, NC
Fewer homes; really pretty

 What it looks like up ahead....

 ....and back behind

 Part of U.S. Marine Corps Camp Lejeune
military reservation

 Hopefully they won't be targeting these today!

 Although we did hear artillery,
sounded like it came from the other bank.
 More military targets

 Can't skip the wildlife; plus we saw
numerous dolphin again today....maybe
I'll get lucky and get a photo sometime soon.

Just passed through the Onslow Beach Swing Bridge

Those of you following on SPOT might have noticed a 2 hour stop today between 12:30 and 2:30.  That was about a mile before the Onslow Beach Swing Bridge (pictured above), at the Bear and Browns Inlet.  This was due to the bottom of our keel finding a shoal and we got stuck.  Had to wait for Tow Boat US to come pull us into deeper water.  While marked, this area was extremely tricky, especially since Hurricane Sandy washed sand through the inlet and shifted the shoal.  

So while we were waiting on Tow Boat US to come, the cold front came in and it started raining and the wind picked up.  By the time we were underway again, the winds were gusting around 20 kts.  We had heard that the shoals had also shifted at the New River Inlet, so we slowly and carefully navigated our way through there safely, then arrived at our marina for the night fighting current and wind to dock.  Took the two of us, plus 3 dock hands to get us tied up!  Whew.....we are beat and ready for a quiet night and hoping to get back to an easier day tomorrow.

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