Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Norfolk, VA - Day 3

The Nor'easter wasn't as bad as predicted.  Some wind, but mostly a little rain and very overcast skies.  So, we had an easy day, catching up on work, emails, and chores on the boat. 

The highlight of the day was that Tommy (Lt. Cmdr. T.J. Lyons) came and took us on a driving tour of the Navy Base where he works.  The base used to be two separate bases, one Navy and one Marine; however, they combined several years ago into one very large base.  We saw coming into the area on Monday, the large number of docks with aircraft carriers, battleships, etc., but we weren't aware of the helicopter base and aircraft runway, as well as housing (especially Admiral's beautiful homes), commissaries,'s huge.  Tommy took us to the Navy Exchange where we stocked up on fresh groceries for the next week at a bargain price.

We stopped for photos of two aircraft carriers, the USS Lincoln and the USS Enterprise. Both are here for repairs and maintenance:

 USS Enterprise

USS Lincoln

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