Thursday, November 1, 2012

Herrington Harbour South

Our first day out was fairly uneventful.  We only went a short way, 18 nm, down to a very nice marina where we've stayed before on the Catalina.  We had wind from the West at 15 mph, with gusts to 30 mph.  Made for some choppy water, but we sailed relatively smoothly with the wind on the beam and only using the genoa.  Oscar didn't think it was so smooth....he threw up twice.  Hope he gets used to this quickly.  He's resting quietly now.  It was quite an ordeal for him.

Here's a couple of pictures....

It's very quiet here at Herrington Harbour South, and it's a beautiful, resort-type marina.  It's cold and windy, so I doubt if I'll go out and take photos before dark.  We plan on an early start tomorrow, since we will cover about twice the miles we covered today.  Tomorrow night's planned destination is Solomon's Island.

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