Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dataw Island, SC

It was 38 degrees on our outside thermometer this morning when I woke up....we seem to be bringing the cold air with us instead of finding warm air!

Again we had to wait for slack tide before we could cast off this morning.  We had to travel back up the North Edisto River to re-enter the ICW and the 4 kt. current against us would have made for a long, slow trip up.  So we left at 11:15 am and traveled through countless creeks, rivers, and cuts between creeks and rivers, trying to make Beaufort, SC before sunset.  We did not make it....instead we stopped here at Dataw Island Marina, tying up just before 5:00 pm.  We traveled 34 miles.

Since we planned a late morning departure, we took my brother Bob's advise and walked the 1/2 mile over to a shopping village he and his wife had visited on vacations here in the past.  We walked along a paved trail which was very scenic in itself:

 Marshland just off Bohicket Creek

 I will no longer say "Drive Carefully"; now it's "Drive Gently"

Cold is better with Sun

Since it was Sunday morning, we really didn't expect anything to be open, but the Market WAS!!!  

 Christmas Trees!

Very similar to my Fresh Market at home!  Of course I managed to
find a few things, even though we had provisioned in Charleston.

Clever little feat of photography

 Back outside

 See, I'm making all sorts of new friends!

Here are a few photos on approach and after docking at Dataw Island Marina:

 Along Parrot Creek, on the way to the marina

 Another beautiful sunset

 Oscar and Jazz, by the marina office

 Our boat is way out there near the end

Marshland between the marina docks and the shore

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