Saturday, November 3, 2012

Reedville, VA

We left Solomon's Island, MD this morning around 8:30 am and arrived in Reedville, VA around 3:30 pm this afternoon, about 26 nm.  Winds were similar to yesterday, 10-15 kts. with gusts to 25 kts. but they were from the North West instead of the West, which made for smoother, faster sailing.  Until we passed the mouth of the Potomac River.  It's 3 miles wide where it flows into the Chesapeake Bay and it runs from the NW.  So we were pounded with even stronger winds and 3' swells from the current and winds.  It was the roughest sailing we've done in this boat, but I gotta tell you, we were very glad we sold the Catalina and bought an Island Packet.  We've been in similar conditions in the Catalina and had to pull in the sails and motor.  La Dolce Vita seemed very happy with the conditions and sailed along at a good clip of 6-8 kts.

Here's a picture of us passing Point No Point Lighthouse at the Northern mouth of the Potomac River:

I took a movie as we were in some of the roughest water.  I'll try to figure out how to add it in here.

Oscar did much better, even in the rough water.  We withheld food as of bedtime last night and then kept him down in the cabin most of the day.  He made it all day with out throwing up.  Jazz is doing very well, but seems tense and scared in the roughest water.  Otherwise, she's just happy to be by our sides.

Reedville is a very small community of mostly older homes.  Jazz, Oscar, and I took a 2-mile walk after docking at the Reedville Marina.  We came across friendly people, barking dogs, a fishermen's museum, churches, a Masonic Temple, and almost no traffic.  The homes on this peninsula back up to water with the only road running between them.  The end of the road is right at the Marina where we are docked.  We saw a lot of Romney signs and one Obama sign, so my guess this a part of Virginia's Romney territory.  Funny, Jazz pooped right in front of a very large Romney sign in someone's front yard.  Wish I had my camera for that one!

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