Saturday, November 10, 2012

Belhaven, NC

We pulled out of Alligator River Marina at 7:30 am and motored 8 hours down the Alligator River to the Alligator River Pungo River Canal to the Pungo River to River Forest Marina in Belhaven, NC for a total of 50 nm.

Right out of Alligator River Marina, we went through the Alligator River Swing Bridge, heading south.  The weather was and crisp, clear skies, no wind.  The water looked like glass:

Early morning on the Alligator River

Just after passing the 100 Mile Marker on the ICW, we came upon the Canal which runs between the Alligator River and the Pungo River.  It's a straight 20 mile shot to the southwest.  

 Approaching the Canal

Oscar joined me on deck

 Entering the Canal

This is the way it looked the entire 20 miles

 Greg at the helm

Greg cleaning the windshield

Maryland Flag, Eastport Flag, Shearwater Flag

The Waterway Guide said that Belhaven was a good place to stop, that it was a small town with unique shops and a lot to see and do.  River Forest Marina was mentioned as the best in town, because it was part of a Resort with a Restaurant.  However, when we got off the boat we were very disappointed.  The marina is run down and looks like it needs a lot of maintenance.  A quick walk through town with the dogs didn't make us feel better.  Most of the shops were closed.  When we got back to the marina, we discovered that the Marina Restaurant has been closed for two years.  Looks like this town suffered greatly with the recession.

Sunset at Belhaven, NC

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