Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Near St. Simons Island, GA

In our quest to find warm weather, we managed to do another long run today....59 miles!  Starting at 8:00 am and arriving at Hidden Harbor Yacht Club at 4:30 pm.  We had a good day, in spite of the overcast skies and cold air.

It started out interesting:  we did not ask for help from the dock hand, sure that we could do this ourselves.  I untied the bow line, the spring line, and the stern line, but then the current pulled the boat away from the dock so fast that I couldn't get on board!  Greg had to circle around and come back to the dock.  I had no trouble jumping on....but it was very strange to watch La Dolce Vita leave the dock without me!

We motored through much the same scenery as yesterday, but saw only one or two other boats and few houses.  I photographed the only homes we saw along the way....they were on North River at Doboy Island.  After taking the pictures, I just happened to check my email and my brother Bob had sent me an email to look out for the houses at Doboy Island because he had kayaked there with his Boy Scout Troup.  So....Bob, here's the photos:

I know...not a home.  Greg at the helm.

We went through several cuts where water was shallow, but not as shallow as Little Mud River, which we went through about an hour before low tide.  We were creeping through with less than a foot under our keel, but we made it safely through.

Little Mud River at low tide....YIKES!!!!

We are tied up at Hidden Harbor Yacht Club, which is a little condo community built on the grounds of an old marina.  The developers bought a run-down marina and fixed it up first, then started building condos.  They have only a few units left to sell before starting another building.  It's really nice, with a clubhouse which has a little kitchen, washer/dryer, sitting room, dining table, and restrooms.  Really nice people, too.  And, we were greeted by two dolphin as we pulled in to dock!  We were told that those two dolphin hang out in this little creek because there is trout in the river.  They see the dolphins every day.

Speaking of dolphins, we've seen them many times every day, often coming right up to our boat.  I have lots of photos of the water where I tried to photograph the dolphins.  They are very fast and rarely come up where I think they will come up.  I've noticed that they seem to come up for air 3-4 times, then dive deeply and I don't see them again.  I need to do a little studying on dolphin behavior; maybe then I'll be able to get a photo.

Anyway, here's Hidden Harbor Yacht Club.....

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