Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Norfolk, VA - Day 2

We spent the morning doing laundry, then headed over to Nauticus & The Battleship Wisconsin.  The museum had wonderful exhibits on Naval History, sailing, and living aboard a battleship.  We toured the USS Wisconsin and enjoyed the docents who all loved telling their stories.  They were so knowledgeable, I believe they must have served on this ship when they were young men.  Here are some pictures of the USS Wisconsin:

We returned to the boat for lunch, rest, and a walk with the dogs, then walked across the dock to tour a Norwegian Naval Academy ship that was holding an open house between 3 and 5.  The entire crew are Academy Cadets, like our Navy Academy Mid-shipmen, but they get to sail this beautiful and special ship as their classroom.  From Norfolk, they are headed to Baltimore and New York. 

 The Ship's stern

 Heck of a way to clean the hull....
 Greg on deck

Double Ship's Wheel

Ship's Bell

We got a great view of Waterside Marina from the deck of this ship, with the Bridge over the Elizabeth River in the background.  La Dolce Vita is in that group of boats on the outside dock.

Finally, we ended the day having dinner with my nephew, Tom Lyons, and his beautiful wife, Daisy, and 2 of their 4 children, TJ and Nichole.  It was a delight to see them doing so well.  Tom is a Lt. Commander here at the Navy Yard, and he will become a Commander in 8 months!  Great news for them!

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