Friday, November 30, 2012

Jacksonville Beach, FL

We left Fernandina Beach at 8:45 am and arrived at Jacksonville Beach at 1:30 pm, traveling 31 miles.  It was a very pleasant, short day on the water.

I was very happy to feel warm air when we opened the companionway this morning.  Today was the warmest we've had the whole month, with the exception of two days at Morehead City, NC.  We hope that this warm trend sticks around.

Today's run was scenic and lovely, with one exception.  There was one fixed bridge about 2 miles before we reached the marina in Jacksonville Beach on Pablo Creek where the creek narrows significantly.  We were against current and as we approached the bridge realized that getting through would be a challenge.  Greg was at the helm and the bow of the boat kept moving back and forth.  It was driving me crazy and I was sure we were going to hit the bridge supports.  I couldn't look...had to turn my head.  We finally made it through, but we were only doing about 1.5 kts with the engine running close to 3000 rpm!!!!

We will be staying here, Palm Cove Marina, for a week.  Greg needs to do some work for IIL and we both need to rest, do maintenance on the boat, and take it easy for a while.  Plus, we have a niece who lives in Jacksonville who just adopted a baby boy, so we are looking forward to visiting them.

Today's photos:

 Jazz and Oscar

 Farewell Fernandina Beach

 Beautiful on Sawpit Creek

 Sisters Creek Bridge, opened just for us!

 Naval Yard as we entered St. John's River

The pups assisting Greg at check-in at Palm Cove Marina

And a few my brother sent to remind me of the first time I visited Jacksonville July, 1951:

 Uncle Carl with Barbara and Linda, Uncle Fred with Pat and Patti,
Daddy with Bob, me, and Nora with Jack Lewis

 Yep...that's me!  3 years old.

 Linda, me, and my beautiful Mother


  1. I can't tell you how much Alex and I are enjoying your journal of the voyage!!

    1. Hi Tonia! So glad you are enjoying my blog. This is quite an adventure for us and I'm enjoying sharing it. Take care!!

  2. LOVE the older pictures -- we did have some good times, huh?

    Y'all take care and keep the posts coming!

  3. We did, Linda! But I remember Indian Rocks Beach, not Jacksonville. I thought those pictures were taken on a trip to Fred and Katherine's, but Bob told me your Mom and Dad were living in Jacksonville Beach during that time, so we spent a vacation with them. Of course, he has Mother's albums with the entire History of Higgins in them!

  4. Jacksonville Marina
    Great collection of picssss
    Must say your taste is very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Jacksonville Marina
    Jacksonville Beach waoooo !!!!!!! its really great to have such beeches!!!!!!
